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Everyday thousands of workers show up to build Michigan.
They have chosen the career path that best suits them - fun work, guaranteed hourly wage, incredible healthcare, and retirement.
Drake Minton
Marketing Representative
(M) (734) 731-7097
I’m Drake Minton, and I’m 27 years old. After graduating high school, I started working as a union laborer out of local 499 (Ann Arbor). It didn’t take long to know I wanted to work in the construction industry, specifically for the laborers union. I’ve been fortunate enough to do multiple types of work, from pipeline and demolition to concrete work. The laborers union has helped me in many ways already; however, most importantly, it allows me to look forward to retiring at a decent age with a pension. I am proud to say I am a third-generation union laborer!
10 years of service!