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Everyday thousands of workers show up to build Michigan.
They have chosen the career path that best suits them - fun work, guaranteed hourly wage, incredible healthcare, and retirement.
Paul Husted
Marketing Representative
(M) (810) 662-5440
I've been with Liuna since 2008 and have worked in many different fields the Laborers have to offer. Started abating Asbestos in schools and nuclear plants. Traveled working on Pipelines in Michigan and bordering States. I helped pour 1.5 million sq ft of concrete for the G.M Paint shop. I've worked Wind Farms, Demolition, Checking Grade, Landscaping, Mason Tending, and more. These are just a few of the many jobs that you can do. That's what I love about LiUNA, is that the jobs are diverse. The fact that I can experience so many aspects of construction and make a living wage with benefits makes me proud to be a Liuna member. I don't have to worry about medical bills or worry about the stocks crashing in a 401k because I have Health care and a secured pension. Being a member of Liuna means security in the present and the future.
It means everything to me knowing that my family and I are taken care of. I could go on about the money you can make, but I'll leave you with this. On top of the cost of living, I've supported my wife and two daughters for 11 years on my income alone. At that time I bought a house at 21 and paid off 3 vehicles. Birthday and Christmas presents for both my wife and I’s families. Taking local family trips each year, and was still able to take my little girls to see Disney in Florida. It feels great to give that to my family, that's what a living wage means. Thanks to LiUNA for providing me the opportunity to succeed.